United Electronic Industries announces Solutions Stack aligned with The Open Group FACE™
Technical Standard for its leading Hardware Platform using FACE TSS technology from Real-Time Innovation
United Electronic Industries (UEI) announces an integrated avionics solution stack aligned with The Open Group Future Airborne Capability Environment™ (FACE) standard using the certified FACE conformant Transport Services Segment (TSS) product from Real-Time Innovations (RTI). This capability enables rapid integration with other portable FACE software applications to the UEI platform through the RTI TSS, providing a low-risk, cost-effective connectivity foundation for FACE systems integrators.
UEI supplies data acquisition, control, and test system hardware to meet the stringent requirements of military and aerospace industry applications. Whether commercial or military aviation, UEI has rugged and reliable solutions that are deployable in a variety of environments. With flexible 1-12 slot chassis, and more than 80+ I/O and avionic boards commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS), UEI ensures FACE applications executing with the RTI TSS can easily, seamlessly, and securely pass data between both simulated and deployed systems. Plus, with UEI’s long-term 10-year availability guarantee, product obsolescence is no longer an issue.
RTI’s FACE Transport Service Segment (TSS) was the first TSS solution to achieve FACE conformance certification. The RTI TSS accelerates and assures interoperability of FACE applications. It extends FACE application software portability and system interoperability benefits by integrating the RTI FACE TSS with the Object Management Group (OMG®) Data Distribution ServiceTM (DDS) Standard, now used by over 1,000 global defense systems.
UEI will share its experiences using RTI’s FACE TSS to read and control avionics within its COTS platform at the upcoming FACE Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM). “The ease of use and interoperability, coupled with RTI’s leading connectivity software, brought this project in early and under budget,” said Erik Goethert, Senior Director of Technical Marketing for UEI.
“We welcome UEI to the FACE Consortium,” said Chip Downing, Senior Market Development Director at RTI. “This integrated solution accelerates the integration of FACE Units of Conformance (UoCs) using a MOSA standards-based environment.”