DDC-I’s Deos RTOS Hosts G.E.’s Flight Management System
DDC-I, a leading supplier of safety-critical operating systems and tools, announced that its DO-178C Design Assurance Level A Deos™ multicore real-time operating system (RTOS) has been selected by General Electric to host its new flight management system. G.E.’s FACE-aligned TrueCourse™ Common Flight Management Application is hosted on G.E. touchscreen Open Display Platform (ODP), developed using the Deos RTOS and tools, employs applications leveraging CoreAVI OpenGL SC graphics, a ProtoLogic EDS display platform hardware and software and Ansys display software to deliver best-in-class multicore performance, reconfigurability, modularity, scalability, and reuse.
“DDC-I has been at the forefront of the FACE standardization effort and has an unmatched pedigree with millions of hours of flight logged aboard commercial and military aircraft,” said Greg Rose, vice president of marketing at DDC-I. “We look forward to continuing working with G.E. and its partners to provide this world-class integrated, certifiable, FACE-aligned, multicore flight management platform that offers optimum performance, modularity, scalability, safety criticality, and display capabilities.”