Anritsu Unveils a New Microwave Spectrum Monitor Module MS27200A

Anritsu Company has introduced the latest innovation, which enables users to integrate their renowned spectrum analysis technology into any platform or system. The MS27200A is a self-contained microwave spectrum monitor module that goes all the way from 9 kHz up to 54 GHz with onboard processing. The module has 110 MHz Real-Time.

Spectrum Analysis (RTSA) bandwidth with a DANL of -164 dBm (with preamp) means the module can receive the most faint and intermittent signals. The MS27200A can be used in military, aerospace, satellite, and system integrator systems for various markets. The microwave spectrum monitor module is designed to be integrated into a system from the ground up. Anritsu is proud to enable users to integrate best-in-class spectrum analysis performance into their system.

The MS27200A is a self-contained unit designed to be part of a larger system. The module can perform VSA-type measurements, such as 5G and LTE. It is the perfect tool for adding spectrum awareness to any platform looking for interference or coverage mapping. With RTSA capabilities, users can monitor the RF environment without missing intermittent signals. In addition, the module has the ability to capture and stream IQ signal components of unknown signals for future analysis. The MS27200A can stream and capture the IQ in full 32-bit and at 110 MHz bandwidth. This means the module can capture in great detail a large bandwidth of signals of interest in a single go without the need to combine or stitch IQ data.

In dynamic environments, a reliable sensor package to monitor the RF spectrum can be critical for operations, and the MS27200A combines Anritsu's decades of experience into a single package. The module is packed with features that can be accessed with SCPI commands.

Highlighted Features and Advantages:

  • Versatile and easy to integrate: The module is self-contained, so there is no need to integrate an additional PC into the system. It uses standard SCPI.

Commands to control the unit, so there is no need for additional software. The module also has onboard storage, allowing for simple integration and quickly allowing the users to start collecting data.

  • Great performance out of the box: The frequency range is from 9 kHz to 54 GHz with up to 110 MHz of analysis bandwidth. In addition, the unit has RTSA capabilities and the ability to store and stream IQ data at 32-bit and 110 MHz bandwidth. Furthermore, it has VSA measurements such as WCDMA, LTE, 5G, AM/FM, and other quality measurements built into the unit.
  • Proven reliability: Anritsu has been making spectrum analyzers for decades, and we are providing this experience to integrators via MS27200A. With the MS27200A, users won’t be chasing a ghost such as input-related spurs or need to spend significant time wondering if the module is working properly.

The MS27200A microwave spectrum monitor module is unique; it is designed  to be integrated into other systems and platforms from the ground up. It strikes a fine balance between performance, usability, and reliability.

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