Blu Wireless showcases Ultra-LPD networking. PhantomBlu enables stealthy, real-time C2 and ISR on the move.

Blu Wireless’s PhantomBlu is an ultra-low probability of detection (LPD) gigabit wireless networking platform that provides an almost two-order-of-magnitude improvement in LPD performance compared to traditional sub-6 GHz military radios while simultaneously and substantially increasing networking data rates on the move.  

The PhantomBlu product family delivers mmWave wireless mesh networking in various form factors suitable for mobile, mast-mounted, drone, and handheld usage. All versions are over-the-air compatible and can autonomously form an integrated mesh network. 

ACV30 vehicle, including ICS Software, Gunners/Commanders Optics, and mapping data. The technology enables stealthy, real-time C2 and ISR on the battlefield. 

Macy W. Summers, President and CEO of Blu Wireless, Inc., says, “We’re excited to be demonstrating our configurable, flexible, and stealthy mmWave mesh network solution at Modern Day Marine. PhantomBlu delivers unparalleled data handover time with ultra-LPD communications at range. 

“The technology can be customized and scaled for any environment or application, from critical infrastructure security, vehicles in convoy, to airborne platforms such as high-altitude autonomous ISR.  

“We’re entering a new era of the connected gigabit battlefield where network performance on the move can provide a critical tactical advantage. No matter what tactical range, situational or environmental challenges to be overcome, we deliver an integrated solution that can be deployed over vast areas and infrastructure, connecting many applications throughout, while meeting operational objectives with minimal risk to personnel.” 

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